
Meet your artistic beader!

Kanie is a beauty guru, fashionista, lifestylist, storyteller, performer, and an innovative creator!

Ex-boyfriend Gifts originated October of 2017, selling clothes and accessories, and a couple "ex-boyfriend gifts". She sold curated, vintage, and up cycled clothing items from her closet.

But, she knew Ex-boyfriend Gifts was something much more meaningful.

In 2020, she began a health and wellness journey, selling health and wellness products, such as tea and nutraburst.

With taking better care of her body, drinking and selling tea, she discovered waist-beads. Or, should we say they discovered her?

In 2020, during the pandemic, Kanie started designing waistbeads and found so much joy and realized how she had a passion for it.

One day she uploaded a picture wearing a waistband she created, promoting tea, and a friend of hers from high-school was interested in purchasing her waistbeads and that day she knew that her brand had a purpose. She offered a 2 for $20 deal, and the orders came rolling in! 

She started bringing them on music video sets and her colleagues were so excited about the brand and showed incredible support.

It truly developed into something much more purposeful, with richly handcrafted beauty and healing products.

Mental Health is very important to her and with Ex-boyfriend Gifts right by her side, she's able to help those in need.

Ex-boyfriend Gifts consist of metaphysical beauty tools, accessories, and jewelry for the mind body and soul. 

Packages include handwritten letters & unique stickers.

All about bringing others into a magical place and making them feel happy and confident within themselves.

Join the #Impeccabletribe.